Be part of Nonosugar's Loyalty Program to enjoy exclusive discounts, early access to exciting launches, surprise birthday reward & more ...


Anyone who buys from our website will automatically become a member
(Points will be rewarded automatically into your account whenever you spend on our website. You will get 1 point whenever you spend a cumulative of RM1 over the course of your membership.)Lifetime, no expiry


A new member who buys from our website through a friend's referral code
10% Voucher
(This one-time voucher will be rewarded automatically into your account if you sign up through a referral code.)Voucher expires in 30 days

(First Purchase)

(First Purchase)
10% Voucher
(This one-time voucher will be rewarded automatically into your account if your friend becomes our member through your referral link.)Voucher expires in 30 days

(Subsequent purchases)

(Subsequent purchases)
(Points will be rewarded automatically into your account whenever your friend spends on our website. You will get 1 point whenever your friends hit a cumulative spend of RM10 over the course of the membership)Lifetime, no expiry

Birthday Rewards

(All members who update their profile with valid birthday date will be rewarded with 1000 points. Annualy, members will also be given a birthday reward of similar value.)
Lifetime, no expiry

The number of loyalty points available will appear automatically upon checkout. You have the choice of redeeming it immediately or later.